الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2011

Lost Horizon

A plane crash delivers a group of people to the secluded land of Shangri-La -- but is it the miraculous utopia it appears to be?

Lost Horizon

Lost Horizon

British diplomat Robert Conway and a small group of civilians crash land in the Himalayas, and are rescued by the people of the mysterious, Eden-like valley of Shangri-la. Protected by the mountains from the world outside, where the clouds of World War II are gathering, Shangri-la provides a seductive escape for the world-weary Conway. Written by Marg Baskin <marg@asd.raytheon.ca>

In 1935, seasoned diplomat Robert Conway is sent to rescue a group of British nationals who find themselves in China the midst of a rebellio! n. Conway manages to get them all out and also to escape with his brother George and several others on the last airplane only to find that they are being flown far into the Himalayas. They eventually find themselves in Shangri-La, a Tibetan monastery in a beautiful mountain valley. It soon becomes clear that they are not there by chance and that were in fact kidnapped. Conway and his fellow travelers are keen on leaving but slowly, they all come to appreciate their new surroundings. Everyone that is except George Conway who is desperate to leave. As Robert learns the true secret of Shangri-La and his reason for being there, he is faced with having to leave in order to protect his brother who will be setting off with or without him. Written by garykmcd

On 10 March 1935, the pacifist British diplomat and future Foreign Secretary Robert Conway helps a group of ninety Westerns white people to escape from the Chinese city of Baskul after the beginni! ng of a revolution. He leaves the airport in the last plane wi! th his b rother George, the geologist Alexander P. Lovett, the rogue trader Henry Barnard and the sick and bitter Gloria Stone. However, the plane is skyjacked and crashes in a remote area in Tibet. When they have no further hope of surviving, they are rescued and brought to the utopistic paradise Shangri-La, a peaceful and plentiful place without illness, war or any type of dispute. Their first sensation is that they are prisoners but along the days, each survivor loves and has no intention to leave the place except George that tries to convince the group to leave Shangri-la. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genres: Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery

Release year: 1937

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